Digital Finance & Fintech

Fintechs are transforming the finance industry with new business models. Learn about those emerging new players, and how and why they are successful.

Digital Finance & Fintech

Fintechs are transforming the finance industry with new business models. In developed markets fintechs and bigtechs are threatening particular products and banking services with lower fees and an improved service model. Incumbent banks are challenged to speed up innovation to stay competitive.

In developing and emerging markets digital finance providers are reaching new unbanked customers using new technologies and business models.

The Finmotion Digital Finance and Fintech workshop will give you an overview of the key developments and trends in digital savings, investments, payments, lending, and insurance. We will discuss the latest case studies of fintechs, bigtechs, and banks to learn in a practical way why and how they are successful.

Core topics

  • The digital finance ecosystem: Key stakeholders and interdependency
  • The landscape in Germany — the leading fintechs and their business models
  • Essential success factors for fintechs
  • Domains of digital finance:
  • o  Digital lending
  • o  Digital savings and investment
  • o  Payments and transfers
  • o  Insurance
  • Banks and fintechs: Threats and opportunities
  • Global hubs for fintechs and digital finance

This workshop is designed to be highly practical and interactive. It includes a variety of case studies and group exercises to enable productive discussions directly relevant for the participants. The workshop is based on modules and can be adjusted to the topics which are most relevant for the client.

Book a Consultation

Two months’ lead time is required for customized training.

Our expertise makes a difference

We aim to make a difference for our clients by providing professional knowledge that can be converted in your business immediately.

The finance industry is undergoing fundamental changes in almost all aspects from change driven by regulators, new customer behaviors and of cause by technological innovations.

We provide trainings with best practices from the industry on various business models and enable you in interactive workshops to apply our professional contents directly in your business and strategy.