Blockchain & Crypto Assets

Blockchain technology is impacting many industries. Our workshop will enable you to understand the key features , the impact and business cases for your industry.

Blockchain & Crypto Assets

The digital revolution is fundamentally impacting industries across the board, not only banking. The blockchain business strategy workshop will give you a basic understanding of the technology and its key features. Based on that understanding we will dive into different industries and use cases to understand where the blockchain infrastructure can be beneficial and how it is successfully applied in the business model.

Crypto assets are covered with a separate module focused on understanding the different types of assets, how to invest in them, and a basic understanding of global crypto markets and regulations.

Core topics

Blockchain infrastructure and its key features

  • Infrastructure of blockchain technology
  • Key features and benefits
  • Blockchain vs centralized databases
  • Strengths and weaknesses of the technology
  • Smart contracts

Blockchain and crypto assets

  • Crypto assets and digital currencies
  • Types of tokens
  • Features of most relevant crypto currencies
  • Investment and valuation of crypto assets
  • Regulation of crypto assets and token sales
  • The token sale process (ICO/STO)
  • Regulation of crypto assets

Blockchain business cases in different industries

  • Identity management
  • Land registry
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Healthcare
  • Logistics

The following module has been developed specifically for the finance industry.

Blockchain business cases in finance and banking

  • Payments and transactions
  • Trade finance
  • Insurance
  • Internet of things
  • Financial inclusion

Book a Consultation

Two months’ lead time is required for customized training.

Our expertise makes a difference

We aim to make a difference for our clients by providing professional knowledge that can be converted in your business immediately.

The finance industry is undergoing fundamental changes in almost all aspects from change driven by regulators, new customer behaviors and of cause by technological innovations.

We provide trainings with best practices from the industry on various business models and enable you in interactive workshops to apply our professional contents directly in your business and strategy.